Saphe Link

Avoid tickets and accidents by getting timely traffic alarms


Tech Stack


A traffic alarm from Saphe not only helps you avoid speeding tickets but increases your safety and reduces the time you spend in traffic. Saphe receives traffic data from partners all over Europe and contributes to reducing the number of accidents on the road.


Saphe is a Bluetooth device that provides traffic data. The core idea of the SapheLink app is to connect the Saphe device to mobile via Bluetooth and provide traffic alerts to the drivers.

The app will measure the driving speed and Saphe give you alerts in case of overspeeding or any traffic camera ahead to avoid speeding tickets.

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The SapheLink was a very unique IoT-based idea to get the traffic updated on the go to avoid tickets and accidents.

Tiksom’s experienced IoT team was assigned and given the target of producing the results according to the client's expectations. 

The main challenge was to communicate with hardware devices but we had already delivered such IoT projects so we used our experience. Our technical team designed an efficient algorithm to connect and communicate with the hardware devices.

The application used web services to communicate with the server to fetch the latest updates and fire notifications in case of any significant traffic alerts like accidents ahead, the speed camera is ahead to adjust your speed to avoid tickets, etc. 

The app is updated every 1-2 seconds which is quicker than any other traffic alarm system resulting the lightning-fast alerts.

We delivered SapheLink successfully and more than 650,000 users share traffic data with Saphe today.

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