Start Up

Software Development Services
For Startups

Crafting bespoke software solutions to propel startups forward, integrating cutting-edge technologies and agile methodologies for rapid innovation and market responsiveness. Our collaborative approach ensures alignment with your unique vision, while our commitment to excellence guarantees the delivery of scalable, future-proof solutions.

Process of Custom Software Development
for Startups

Our Startup Development Services Across
Diverse Industries

Roomer Travel - A Travel Marketplace | Web Development

A Travel Marketplace working in more than 20 countries

Holiday Swap

The second-largest home swapping platform, active in over 185 countries, with more than 500K Android app downloads

GPS-based travel app for audio tours | Geotourist

GPS-based travel app for audio tours curated by experts

Services we Offered in Software
Development for Startups

Application Development

App development for startups

In our app development for startups, we provide bespoke Services meticulously designed to align with the specific requirements and objectives of emerging businesses. We craft intuitive and robust applications for both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring seamless user experiences and broad market reach.

Website Development

Web Development for startups

We specialise in designing and Web Development for startups needs, focusing on intuitive user experiences, responsive design, and scalability to support business growth. Our expertise ensures your digital presence reflects your brand identity while driving engagement and conversions.

MVP Development

MVP Development for Startups

Through our MVP development services, you can confidently launch your product, assured that it meets user needs and market demands, positioning you for swift and sustainable success.

Software Development

Custom software development for startups

In our custom software development for startups, we offer comprehensive Services designed to address the unique challenges and objectives of emerging businesses. Our collaborative approach ensures alignment with client vision and market demands.

Customer Support Development

Maintenance and support for startups

At our software development for startup, we prioritise ensuring your software and applications operate smoothly, securely, and reliably. With our comprehensive maintenance services, including bug fixes, updates, performance optimization, and user support, you can focus on your core business confidently.

Strategies for Startup Growth Facilitation

MVP version
Transitioning from MVP to Version 1.0
  • Streamlining the evolution from Minimum Viable Product to a robust Version 1.0.
  • Incorporating user feedback and market insights to enhance features and user experience.
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Scalable Services
Scalable Services
  • Implementing seamless scalability to accommodate growing user demands.
  • Leveraging cloud technologies and elastic architectures for flexible resource allocation.
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Mastering Monetization
  • Developing and optimising revenue models tailored to the target market.
  • Experimenting with pricing strategies and revenue streams for sustainable growth.
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Instant Payment
Enabling Instant Payments
  • Integrating frictionless payment gateways for seamless transactions.
  • Exploring innovative payment technologies to enhance user convenience and security.
Data-Driven Analytics
Data-Driven Analytics
  • Harnessing data analytics to drive informed decision-making and strategy formulation.
  • Establishing key metrics and performance indicators to measure success and iterate effectively.
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Overcoming Operational Challenges
  • Anticipating and addressing obstacles proactively to sustain momentum.
  • Cultivating adaptability and resilience to navigate uncertainties and setbacks.
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Efficient Backlog Management
  • Prioritising tasks and features to align with business objectives and market demands.
  • Adopting agile methodologies to optimise backlog handling and development efficiency

Why choose our startup development

Quality Product

Quality Product

We prioritise quality across our processes, backed by our dedicated code audit team and rigorous testing department. By staying abreast of the latest market trends and standards, we ensure superior results and deliver products that meet the highest industry benchmarks.

Time Delivery

Timely Delivery

For a startup time is a real asset to launch on time. We adhere to deadlines, ensuring timely completion of projects.

MVP Development

Customer-Centric Approach

Our focus is on understanding and fulfilling the needs of your customers and providing them Services accordingly. We tailor our services to meet the unique requirements of each client.

Expertise and Experience

Expertise and Experience

With 13+ years of experience and to date, we have delivered 26 different startups very successfully including a venture of Stanford University and world-renowned UNICEF organisation.

 Transparent Communication

Transparent Communication

At every stage of our collaboration, we prioritise open and transparent communication with our clients to ensure clarity, alignment, and mutual understanding.

Innovation and Creativity

Innovation and Creativity

We infuse every project with a relentless pursuit of innovative ideas and creative Services, aiming to push boundaries and deliver exceptional results.

Dedicated Support

Dedicated Support

Our team provides dedicated support and assistance, ensuring a smooth experience. Even after launch our team will be there to help you out.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement

 Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the completion of a project; we are dedicated to continually enhancing our services to adapt to the evolving needs of our clients and the ever-changing landscape of technology.

Data Security

Data Security

We are a certified ICO company based in the UK really respecting data security.

Empower Your Startup with Custom Software Solutions

At Tiksom, we specialize in turning innovative ideas into powerful software solutions tailored for startups. Our expert team provides end-to-end development services, ensuring your product stands out in the market. From concept to launch, we are your dedicated partner in achieving success.

Get In Touch

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Technology Customized to Your Requirement

Tensor Flow Pytorch Scipy
Ruby Php Node Js Python
VUE JS Angular React Bootstrap Tailwind Stimulus Js
Flutter Kotlin React Swift
Redis MongoDb Firebase My SQl
Aws Heroku Docker Git Kubernetes

Client reviews on our Software
Development Services for Startups

Frequently Asked Questions

Startup development involves the process of turning an idea into a viable business entity. It encompasses activities such as market research, product development, and launching the business into the market.
Startup development services provide expertise, guidance, and support throughout the journey of building and launching a new business. This includes validating your idea, developing your product, and creating a go-to-market strategy to ensure success.
The time to develop a startup product varies depending on the complexity of the project, the features required, and other factors. We work closely with our clients to develop realistic timelines and milestones to ensure timely delivery.
We provide ongoing support after the product launch, including maintenance, updates, and user support. We also help analyse user feedback and iterate on the product to ensure it continues to meet the needs of your customers.
An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a version of your product with the minimum features required to satisfy early customers and gather feedback for future development. It's important because it allows you to test your idea in the market quickly and cost-effectively.
We offer a range of services tailored to startups, including idea validation, product development, MVP (Minimum Viable Product) creation, UX design, go-to-market strategy, and post-launch support.
We validate startup ideas through market research, competitor analysis, and prototyping. This process helps ensure that there is a demand for your product or service and that it addresses a real need in the market.
To get started, simply reach out to us via our website or contact information. We'll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your idea and how we can help bring it to life through our startup development services.

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